Friday, September 20, 2024


 Indra lingers in the Valley, refuses to ride his white elephant home. The sky is something dramatic, the light and air made me climb to the roof once more :)

 Drama over Shivapuri:
Do you see Swyambhu? 

There's a tiny plane coming to land at TIA here :)

Dharahara, open to public now, after Oli inaugurated it for the second time in about four years.
And -- flowers!

Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Last days of monsoon...

...are also the first days of autumn. Varsha gives way to Sharad. Clouds tower to catch the sun, evenings are best spent on the roof, or Lahana in Kirtipur. To look outward, away, to gather the world in your eyes. The next few weeks are by far the best light and air in Kathmandu. Pity the children have been herded back to their schools and only have the weekends for play. 

After a long monsoon the green slick that rings an aangan in the mountains begins to shrivel and crack before being returned to the dust. In the city there is only concrete.

I went up to the roof just now; here are a few photos.

Drama :)

This flower was not in the sun.
Big clouds.
A poet lives here.
The parijat outside my window.
This bird is from another grey day.