Tuesday, July 22, 2008

pictres from begnas

Here are some pictures. I am not sure if the upload has worked at all. I have groupled the pictures according to the locations from where they are takes, viz: Hill Top Hotel [HT]; the lake [BN]; The "Picnic Spot" [PS]; the Red House [RH]--although now I am not sure why I thought the house was a find; and Begnas Resort [BR]. Most pictures are of Centurion Park [CP], a jungle across the lake.

I will make future pictures larger--this was "medium" as blogger sees it. It is the same picture that I have email you. The bald spot can be seen from Hill Top, and is a candidate for a picnic spot, if the story remains on the HT side of the lake. Since the hotel is really, really small, and the view of the lake is complete, it would be easier to establish Mik as the innkeeper. On the other hand, if we choose to go with the resort, then we'll have to re-work Mik's place in the story.

This is the view looking to the east from HT: the small arrow shows the position of Begnas Resort [BR], rival of HT in our story. In either case, there are two jungles that are candidates for the picnic part: Centurion Park [CP] is seen to the left of the tree here. It is flatter than other jungles, and it is to the north of the lake, which is an added plus, as that is the side with the view.

This is what HT looks like: it is very, very small, doesn't have a proper bathroom, etc. Only 2 rooms. But, other than this, Begnas Resort is the only other place in operation around Begnas: there is nothign even as close when comes to Rupa. It is right at the edge of the jungle, but has nothing going on for itself other than the view, such as the one below, looking to the north. This is where the Annapurna range shows itself after late August.

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