Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Hari Bansha-- a new joke

Bhushan just told us an urban legend, outrageously funny about Haribansha Acharya. He is one half of the MaHa comedy duo.

Apparently, there was a time when he couldn't go to people's funerals, because whenever he showed up, regardless of the gravity of the situation, people laughed uncontrollably.
NT and I laughed uncontrollably when we heard that.


Some kind soul compiled and translated few "Check Please" skits from Goodness Gracious Me.

YouTube - Goodness Gracious Me - Check Please

I think this is how most men feel in the inside when they meet a new woman.

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Monday, August 23, 2010

Kohi Mero releasing on Friday, 27 August

कोही मेरो भन्ने चलचित्र बल्ल रिलीज हुँदै छ | खूब धुक-चुक भएको थियो--रिलीज होला, नहोला पत्तो थिएन | अब चाहीं पक्का भए जस्तो छ | म मेरा साथिहरुसंग यही शनिबार बेलुका जय नेपाल जांदी छू फिलिम हेर्न | ठुलो  कबीला होला जस्तो छाँट काँट छ | आजै बीस जना पुगे | शनिबार सम्म पुग्लन अर्को बीस | चालीस जना भए पछि त हलै थर्काऊने हो |

Kohi...Mero is releasing this Friday, with a press show at 8 AM--a very bad idea, all of my journalist friends say, because nobody wants to come to Jai Nepal at 8 AM on Friday just because it is a free show. Most people work extra hard on Thursday nights to get the magazine/weekend edition out the next morning, so it is unreasonable to expect they will come. But, that is what the producers have decided.

There is also a press meet tonight [Monday night] in Baneshwor. I haven't been able to convince *any* of my journalist friends to come--they are calling it a non-event.

The true event will be on Saturday, at 6PM, at Jai Nepal. I am trying hard to get some 30-40 tickets for the movie. Going the inside route. So far, they've pulled the red-tape on the program: only after Wednesday may I make reservations. But I don't see why it should be a problem, as I am trying for two days before.

In which case, it will be awesome funtimes. I had initially thought of buying the tickets myself, but now I know I can't afford all the tickets. So, if you are interested in joining me and my crazy friends from Budhanilkantha and from my Kathmandu life as a writer, write to me at prawinadhikari@gmail.com and I will include you on the list.

Keep it a secret, though.

Big grin.


Saturday, August 14, 2010

In costume to play Yamraj. Annapurna House Cultural Program. 1993. Class 6 in Budhanilkantha. Janai is real. Mustache is fake.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Classic Akutagawa

Re-reading an Akutagawa classic, I came across these lines:

"After she ran away, he took up my sword, and my bow and arrows. With a single stroke he cut one of my bonds. I remember his mumbling, "My fate is next." Then he disappeared from the grove. All was silent after that. No, I heard someone crying. Untying the rest of my bonds, I listened carefully, and I noticed that it was my own crying. (Long silence.)"

*I listened carefully, and I noticed that it was my own crying.* A Samurai in guilt and suffering.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Food Network Show visits Whitman's Prentiss Dining Hall

Food Network Show visits Whitman's Prentiss Dining Hall

Chef Chemin used to allow poor international students to "steal" potatoes, onions, tomatoes, cilantro, chili from Prentiss. Four potatoes, two tomatoes, one onion--curry! Many a beer-fueled culinary session benefited from his bonhomie towards the internationals.

Now--he appears to have coached someone to break the world record for--wait for it--peeling onions! Sweet Walla Walla Sweets!

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Wash your face every moning

Now I know why I was growing a mustache a month back:

"The warriors of old cultivated mustaches, for as proof that a man had been slain in battle, his ears and nose would be cut off and brought to the enemy's camp. So that there would be no mistake as to whether the person was a man or a woman, the mustache was also cut off with the nose. At such a time the head was thrown away if it had no mustache, for it might be mistaken for that of a woman. Therefore, growing a mustache was one of the disciplines of a samurai so that his head would not be thrown away upon his death.

'Tsunetomo said, "If one washes his face with water every
morning, if he is slain his complexion will not change. " '

Badger Underwear

Another gem from The Way:

"When one departs for the front, he should carry rice in a bag. His underwear should be made from the skin of a badger. This way he will not have lice. In a long campaign, lice are troublesome."

Sage advice. Now for a PETA approved line of The Victor's Secret...