Monday, June 22, 2009

MC talk today

I didn't want to be there, and it was apparent. I had no clue what to talk about, and that was apparent. I talked, like a madman chained to a fantasy. I am inarticulate, I become angry and defensive really quickly, and I was in a difficult position: I had to blame Ajit and Sushma for the flaws in the book, which there are aplenty.

But-- Myblogride, thanks for being there.

Tehmporary Chitrakar, dude, it was fun, I hope you seriously pursue your dreams [make them into your vocations, if not your professions], and here's what:

pretty much self-explanatory once you go to the URLs.

I think a certain person named Anu was there too. I wasn't wearing my glasses [broken; owner broke], or I would have roped you into a conversation.

But, it is over now, the obligation. Good, good.

and really really fuck pretentious semantics about how a kuire cat meows or myaauuu's.

1 comment:

  1. hey man. it was good fun yesterday. thx for the cold drinks and whatnot. and all the good guff. and the websites. the software thing is gettin dowloaded, cyber is slow. its gone 26%. the john august web is also cool and im also checkin out the other one. my exams will b over in abt a month from now. if u could, look out for some standing/waiting/running/thinking/unthinking job/volunteering at some movie set. itd be awewsome to go on.
    PS> check out the stories if time permits and put on a forthright commentary. keep in touch.


Thank you for the comment :)